Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Twitter is Changing the World

6 years ago if something happened in the news you would turn on the tv or read on numerous websites about the situation from multiple sources. Nowadays if anything happens you can type in the relative keyword to twitter and all the information will be there, in one feed, at the same time for you to read. Twitter has changed the way we receive information every day. We can now follow anyone we want and hear what they have to say. We can follow celebrities, politicians, musicians writers, comedians, and follow their updates as they tweet news, shows, jokes, thoughts, and anything else. I personally dont use twitter for tweeting but I use it as a news source because I know what I will be given all the information, all sides of the story from multiple sources on one feed. It is instant information to your computer or phone and it is incredible. Never in history where we able to receive information this fast from as many sources. We share news, photos, music, jokes, and general thoughts on twitter for the world to hear and to respond back with their comments and thoughts. It doesn't matter who you are, or where you work, or how much money you make, or where you live, your voice will always be heard on Twitter. Twitter is one of the most revolutionary creations in recent history and it will only get better from here.

How Twitter Changed the Way We Live

- Asaf


  1. The beauty of twitter lies in how restrictive the 140 character limit is. There's no room for fluff or any kind of, frankly, BS. This makes it so easy to get updates on anything because instead of reading gruelingly long articles about a topic of interest to you you read a tweet and get the gist of what you need to know. Often times tweets will even link you to other articles and use hash tags to make it easier to find just what information you are looking for.

  2. I used to be a huge fan of Twitter, but I recently stopped, because I really don't need another social media platform in my life. However, I do like Twitter for the fact that is it one of quickest ways to receive the news. I remember during Hurricane Sandy, I received updates on what was happening in the city quicker on Twitter than on the news (until the power went out...)
