Friday, February 15, 2013

Benefits of Blogging

One of the questions we were discussing in class was the benefits of blogging for companies. Companies who blog are able to communicate with their customers directly though the internet. Blogging is an amazing marketing tool that allows companies to post about their products, updates, and any news about the company that they would like to share with the general public. If they release a product page they can see how many people viewed it and based on that help forecast sales figures on the item. Companies utilize blogging to get their word out quickly to their fans and followers and it is quite effective.

An example of a great businessman getting his word out via blogging.

Mark Cuban's Blog

Blogging is also beneficial for individual bloggers. Anyone online can start a blog and blog about anything they want and if their content is good enough and wanted they will be able to reach a large audience and monetize with the use of advertising of their page. Bloggers may want to review products, movies, music, post short stories, poems, or anything they want. If a college students blogs and his colleagues read the posts the blog may become widespread and his ideas will be shared throughout the internet.

The beauty of blogging is that regardless if you are a company, or an individual  a blog allows you to get your ideas out and communicate with others online.

One of my favorite tech blogs- TechCrunch


1 comment:

  1. Social media has become such a large part of the way companies conduct business in the past few years that it is almost assumed that every company has a blog page, a Facebook, a Twitter, etc. I think one of the benefits of blogging is that it is extremely inexpensive. It is a quick, easy way to advertise and market product without breaking the bank. Small companies especially can benefit from blogging, while on a budget.
