Saturday, February 23, 2013

Apple's Got Some Catching Up to Do

Since Apple came out with their first iPod I have always been an avid Apple fan, buying their iMac, iPad, and iPhones. My family and I owns 10 Apple products so I am surrounded with their innovative technological products everyday. I use my iPhone, iPad, and iMac everyday for multiple purposes and I am very satisfy with how amazing, fast, sleek, useful these products are. There are millions of people like me who use and appreciate Apple products everyday but the competition is growing and Apple may have some catching up to do. Google, one of their biggest competitors  is giving their customers the choice to have a phone that has a 5 inch screen, customizable homepage page, revolutionary hardware, Android OS, and many other options. No matter how long someone has been with Apple they are sick of that stale homepage with all the apps on it, and some are considering moving on and switching to Android. Consumers want choice, and they aren't experiencing that with every iPhone, iPad and iMac very similar to the previous model. Apple has amazing products and they always delivered on their promise to create a beautiful user experience but they are very strict on customization. They don't allow a lot of customer customization because they believe what they made already is perfect for everyone. Google is announcing its new flagship phone, Samsung Galaxy S4, on March 14th and the hype over that phone is so big, it is being predicted to sell more than the iPhone 5. Last year Apple came out with an iPhone, an iMac, 2 iPads, and a new Macbook Pro with Retina. All of these products have surpassed sales records and are still selling at incredible rates. However as 2013 rolls around Apple has a lot of pressure from fans, shareholders, and the general public as they have to reveal something complete revolutionary to keep up with Google. They will be announcing the new iPhone, Macbook Air, and iPad 5 this year and it has to be something fans have never seen before in order to keep Apple alive. Google is doing amazing things with their products because customization is a big key of their user experience, some Apple is hiding from us. Apple is the second most valuable company in the world, but how long will they stay that way?

Article about the rumored Apple Watch

1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing about their decline because their only truly revolutionary product was the iPhone and they're now stagnating. Although I just read that they're attempting to develop flexible screens, which could be really cool.
