Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CIS 3810 Post 1

Game of Thrones!

For my first blog post I wanted to talk about one of my favorite book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This 5 book series chronicles certain characters as they fight for the crown of the iron throne of Westeros, a fictional city set in medieval history. These books have violence, fantasy  love, action, drama, adventure, and leaves the audience wanting more every chapter. George RR Martin has an amazing tendency to develop characters over time to make them intriguing and lovable to the readers. While 2 more books on the way, this story has every character doing whatever they have to make sure they become king of westeros. I usually don't read fantasy books but I cannot praise this book series anymore. Martin is a genius in his words and makes sure that the audience understands the struggle every character is going through to achieve what they have to to claim the right to the throne. The characters back stories are so interesting, and it is amazing how every relates back to a central back theme and storyline that makes the reader truly understand the complexity of the story and timeline of the books.

HBO adapted this book series into a tv show called Game of Thrones which became extremely popular in its first two seasons. The production team for this show shoots in Dublin, England, Iceland, and makes the settings as authentic as possible building every stage from the ground up to make sure it matches the descriptions from the book. The computers animation team put in amazing effort to make all the effects look as real as possible, and the end result on tv is simply a piece of work. The acting of the show is simply outstanding as each individual actor bleeds to make sure the audience understands the struggle of their character. As HBO gears to premiere season 3 of Game of Thrones on 3.31.13, more and more people anticipate what will happen to these characters.

Even though I greatly enjoy the tv show I recommend everybody to read the book series because it goes more in depth in the character's life and history and exemplifies the history of Westeros which helps the audience understand and predict what will happen in the future. Instead of waiting for what will happen next episode on the tv show, just read the books.

Game of Thrones Encyclopedia


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