Friday, March 1, 2013

Google Glass: Do We Really Need It?

Months ago Google announced their Google Glasses secret X project which turned out to be a pair of technological glasses that virtualize the real world. These glasses allow the users to take videos, photos, find directions via google maps, text or call people and video chat all through voice command seen on a  virtualize screen through the glasses. These glasses were made by Google so we can live in the moment and capture the moment at the same thing. We don't need to worry about taking out our phones to take a photo when we can just say "take photo" and it will be taken right in front of your eyes. This sounds amazing in theory and the way Google markets it makes its a hot, must want product for every tech consumer. But if you really think about it, do we really need Glass? Have we became so busy that we can't pick up a phone to call someone or to take photo. Technology is amazing but not when it is in front of your eyes all day and that would be the situation with Google Glass. It sounds good in concept but I think it will not be as successful when it hits the mass market. Google + was almost marketed by Google as an amazing product that was going to sweep Facebook and take over the social media market. It failed and Facebook still prevails today. Google has a tendency of overhyping their products and trying to appeal to a market that doesn't yet exist. I would be more than happy to try out Glass but I wouldn't buy it just yet. I can only imagine how many bugs and problems it has while in limited supply and beta. It seems like the glasses the "cool kids" would wear while the rest of us couldn't care less. Some people can just take out their phone take a photo, wasting three seconds than buying Google Glass for ridiculous amounts of money.

A promo for Google Glass

An excellent review of Google Glass by The Verge

- Asaf


  1. As if our society wasn't overstimulated already, Google is bringing us an even more disruptive way of staying connected. All I can think about is the amount of automotive accidents caused by pedestrians and drivers wearing these.

  2. I personally think Google Glass is insanely unnecessary. We already have phones that keep us away from the instantaneous and tether us to the Internet. But I know my brother's already trying to get his hands on some and I'll probably give them a shot once he does. Also, on a slightly tangential note, I think the terms of use for them are ridiculous. You can't lend out the $1200 glasses you bought? Insane.

  3. This is probably the most absurd thing I have ever heard. Unnecessary is a complete understatement. I am ashamed to be part of such a society that think taking over our lives with "technological glasses" is a good idea.
