Saturday, March 9, 2013

Organic v Mechanistic Work Environment

Throughout history offices have been designed to be a mechanistic work environment. This means the  work place was structured as a bureaucracy where managers would manage the lower worker and they would report to the higher managers and the CEO, CFO, COO and so on. In this atmosphere if you were a lower entry worker and if you had an idea you would tell your boss and they may consider implementing it. You do what the task that is given to you and that's it. However today there are changing work enviorments known as organic enviroments where the strucutre is more horizontal rather than vertical. Everyone gets the same decision making power and people are more free to think about creative ideas. There was no other time in history than today where people are as creative due to techonolgoy and all the resources available. Organic work places are where everyone is treated equally and all have the same power in the company. They allow for time for yourself instead of working for the company all day. Google does this for example by giving their developers an hour a day to think about anything they want as long as its not work. It is the great, innovative ideas that are thought up during this time. Organic is becoming more popular because in todays time everyone has great ideas how to better the company and they should all be taken in consideration. Mechanistic work environment is great too but it is too structured and final and doesn't allow for growth and movement. I believe I mixture of both would be good for a starting company.

Explanation of work structures

1 comment:

  1. The reason Google can afford to do this, as well as many other aspects of their legendary workplace, has to do with the quality of people they hire. It would be difficult to implement such an environment in a company where staff were not motivated and just came 9-5 without any passion for what they were creating.
